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Distributed for Intellect Ltd

World Film Locations: Vancouver

Vancouver, the fourth largest film and television production center in North America, has hosted Hollywood filmmakers from Robert Altman and Dennis Hopper to Jason Reitman and Brad Bird, and is home to independent talent such as Bruce Sweeney and Mina Shum. World Film Locations: Vancouver offers insight into how so-called “runaway” productions from Hollywood use Vancouver as a stand-in for other locations and it highlights the work of Canadian filmmakers who deserve more attention. Thirty-eight analyses of different film scenes reveal the cinematic city in its myriad forms, while spotlight essays provide insight into the creativity and contradictions of Vancouver’s film industry throughout the ages. The volume presents Vancouver’s rich diversity and complexity, where magnificent marine and mountain views are both showcased and masked, downtown landmarks provide the backdrop for thrilling sequences, and lesser-known neighborhoods frame intriguing characters and plotlines. This book offers new perspectives on the relationship between the movies and the metropolis.

112 pages | 50 color plates | 6 x 9 | © 2013

World Film Locations

Film Studies

Travel and Tourism: Travel Writing and Guides

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Table of Contents

Vancouver: City of the Imagination

Colin Browne

Thoughts on Making Places: Hollywood North and the Indigenous City

Kamala Todd

Scenes 1-7


James Clavall’s The Sweet and the Bitter (1967)

Michael Turner

Scenes 8-14


Vancouver is…: Defining the City in Sylvia Spring’s Madeleine Is (1971)

Randolph Jordan

Scenes 15-20


The Body of the Accused

Amy Kazymerchyk

Scenes 21-26


Kink, Pot and Sushi: On Representing Vancouver in Bruce Sweeney’s Films

Ger Zielinski

Scenes 27-32


The Haunted Pacific: Vancouver on Crime Television

Lindsay Steenburg

Scenes 33-38




Contributor Bios


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