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Social Media in Emergent Brazil

How the Internet Affects Social Mobility

Since the birth of the internet, low-income Brazilians have received little government support to help them access it. In response, they have largely self-financed their digital migration, which can be seen in the rise of internet cafés in working-class neighborhoods and families purchasing their own computers through special agreements. Juliano Spyer argues that social media is the way for low-income Brazilians to stay connected, despite systematic ridicule from the more affluent, thus suggesting that social media serves a crucial function in strengthening traditional social relations.

240 pages | 77 illustrations | 6.14 x 9.21 | © 2017

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Anthropology: Cultural and Social Anthropology

Sociology: General Sociology

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Table of Contents

"1. The field site: emergent Brazil

2. The social media landscape: hiding in the light

3. Visual postings: lights on, lights off

4. Intimacy: dense networks

5. Education and work: tensions in class

6. Politics: dangerous words

7. Conclusion: why do they love social media?"

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