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The Secret of Successful Acquisitions

Abandoning the Myth of Board Influence

Despite the fact that mergers and acquisitions are a crucial part of the modern business landscape, the factors that can make the difference between success and failure remain little understood—as evidenced by the disappointing outcomes of the majority of acquisitions. With The Secret of Successful Acquisitions, Farsam Farschtschian focuses on the role of corporate boards in mergers—and his surprising conclusions reveal the inadequacies of current corporate governance, while also highlighting the gap between mainstream management theory and actual board practices. The book concludes with a set of far-reaching recommendations for improvement, aimed at top management, which will make the volume of value to businessmen as well as to scholars.

182 pages | 5 1/2 x 8 3/8 | © 2011

Economics and Business: Economics--General Theory and Principles

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Table of Contents

German preface for editionMALIK
Preface by Helmut Maucher

1. From Abandoning the Myth to the Required "Leadership Environment"
2. The Key Facts of Corporate Governance
3. The Key Facts of M&A
4. Prime Examples of Good and Bad Acquisition Management
5. Lessons Learned About an Optimal "Leadership Environment"
6. Twelve Best Practice Recommendations for Boards
7. Conclusion

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