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Distributed for University of Wales Press

The Druids

This classic study of the druids, one of the three intellectual classes of the early Celtic peoples, was first published by the University of Wales Press in 1966. The druids were the most enlightened and civilizing spiritual influence in Celtic Europe and were held in high regard as priests, philosophers, teachers and judges. Nora Chadwick’s book examines and assesses the early written evidence of the Greeks and Romans and considers the druids within their historical context.

The institution of druidism captured the imagination of the ancient classical world. Its appeal has continued to this day. Significant developments in the field during the last thirty years are discussed by Anne Ross in this revised edition, which also includes a map of the major known druidic sites and centres in Europe.

The Druids is a scholarly work of interest and importance to all those who feel the perennial attraction of its subject.

120 pages | 8 3/10 x 5 3/10 | © 1966

History: Ancient and Classical History

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“ . . . presents a fine classic study in paperback, covering the institution of druidism and creating a scholarly work which should interest any student of the druids. Enjoy an excellent history which packs depth and detail into its account.” –Midwest Book Review

Midwest Book Review

“It is very good to see this splendid source book re-issued in such an attractive format. . . Chadwick’s concise survey is the essential starting point for any serious student of ancient druidism . . . one of the most fundamental modern discussions of the druids to be written in English.” –Archaeologia Cambrensis

Archaeologia Cambrensis

Table of Contents

Foreword to the Second Edition, by Anne Ross
Further Reading
Map 1: The Territories of the Druids
Map 2: The Nemeton Sites in the Taw Valley, Devonshire
Note on Maps
Preface by Nora K. Chadwick
Principal Classical References
I.    The Problem. Some recent studies
II.   The Ritual Functions of the Druids in the Early Classical Sources. The Tradition of Posidonius
III.  The Wider Functions of the Druids in the Early Classical Sources. The Tradition of Caesar and Pliny
IV.  The Intellectual Activities of the Druids.  The Alexandrian Tradition
V.   The Decline of the Druids
VI.  The Nature and History of the Druids
Note. Divitiacus and Dumnorix

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